情态动词有哪些 用法归纳及口诀 情态动词的用法口诀

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谁有情态动词的用法口诀,记住是口决 o4n高三网






①只做情态动词:may, might, must..o4n高三网

②可做情态动词又可做实义动词:如:need, dare,can.......o4n高三网

③具有情态动词特征:have(had,has) to,used to, ought too4n高三网



mustn't代表强烈禁止 must表示主观,have to表示客观。o4n高三网

美式英语中常用must not 而不用 mustn't. mayn't,mightn't和shan't也很少用o4n高三网


can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would)o4n高三网











1. to be able to 能,会o4n高三网

例句:Can you drive? 你会开车吗?o4n高三网

She can speak four languages. 她会讲4门语言。o4n高三网

2. to be allowed to (表示许可)可以,能o4n高三网

例句:You can park over there. 你们可以把车停在那边。o4n高三网

3. used to request something(用于请求)能,可以o4n高三网

Can you make a little less noise, please? I'm trying to work. 请你别发出那么大声音好吗?我正在工作。o4n高三网

4. used to express possibility(表示可能性)可以,能,会o4n高三网

Smoking can cause cancer. 吸烟可能会导致癌症。o4n高三网

5. used in polite offers of help(用于礼貌地提出帮忙)可以,能o4n高三网

Can I help you with those bags? 我帮您拎那些包好吗?o4n高三网


1. past simple of "can", used to talk about what someone or something was able or allowed to do(表示能够或允许)能,可以o4n高三网

When I was younger I could stay up all night and not get tired. 我年轻时,一通宵不睡觉都不觉得累。o4n高三网

You said we could watch TV when we finished our homework. 你说过我们完成家庭作业后可以看电视。o4n高三网

We asked if the computer could access the internet. 我们询问这台计算机能否上网。o4n高三网

2. used as a more polite form of "can" when asking for permission(礼貌地请求许可)可以,能o4n高三网

Could I speak to Mr Davis, please? 我可以和戴维斯先生通话吗?o4n高三网

3. used as a more polite form of "can" when asking someone to provide something or do something(礼貌地请求提供某物或做某事)能,可以o4n高三网

Could you turn that music down a little, please? 你能把音乐声调低一点吗?o4n高三网

4. used to express possibility, especially slight or uncertain possibility(尤用于表示微小或不确定的可能性)可以,能,也许o4n高三网

Be careful with that stick - you could have hit your sister! 留心那根棍子——它差点戳到我的眼睛!o4n高三网

5. used for making a suggestion(用于提出建议)可以,能o4n高三网

We could go out for a drink after work tomorrow, if you want. 要是你愿意,明天我们下班后可以去喝上一杯。o4n高三网

6. used for saying, especially angrily, what you think someone else should do(尤指生气地对某人表示不满)应该o4n高三网

Well, you could try to look a little more enthusiastic!喂,你应该表现得热心一点!o4n高三网

I waited ages for you - you could have said that you weren't coming!我等了你很久——你应该提前说一声你不来!o4n高三网


1. used to express possibility(表示可能性)可能,也许o4n高三网

We'd better not interfere - she may not like it. 我们最好别干涉——她可能会不高兴。o4n高三网

2. formal used to ask or give permission(用于请求许可或表示允许)可以o4n高三网

"May I help myself to some more food?" "Yes, of course." “我能再要些吃的吗?”“好的,当然可以。”o4n高三网

A reader may borrow up to six books at any one time. 读者一次最多可借阅6本书。o4n高三网

3. formal used to introduce a wish or a hope(表示祝愿或希望)祝,愿o4n高三网

May you have a long and fruitful marriage. 祝你们婚姻长久美满。o4n高三网


1. past simple of the verb may, used especially when reporting what someone has said, thought, asked, etc. (may 的过去式)可能,可以o4n高三网

Very politely the little boy asked if he might have another piece of cake (= he said "May I have another piece of cake, please?"). 小男孩非常礼貌地问他可否再吃一块蛋糕。o4n高三网

2. used to express the possibility that something will happen or be done, or that something is true although not very likely(表示可能性)可能,也许o4n高三网

I might come and visit you next year, if I can save enough money. 如果我能存下足够的钱,明年我也许会来美国看你。o4n高三网

3. mainly uk formal us old-fashioned used as a more polite form of may when asking for permission(用于请求许可,语气较 may 更婉转)可以,能o4n高三网

Might I ask a question?我能问个问题吗?o4n高三网

4. used to make a suggestion or suggest a possibility in a polite way(用于礼貌地建议)可以,也许o4n高三网

I thought you might want to join me for dinner. 我想你兴许愿意和我一起吃晚饭。o4n高三网

5. used to suggest, especially angrily, what someone should do to be pleasant, correct, polite, etc. (表示责备)应该o4n高三网

You might at least try to look like you're enjoying yourself! 你至少应该努力做出很开心的样子!o4n高三网


1. used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do应当,应该o4n高三网

If you're annoyed with him, you should tell him. 如果你生他的气,就应该告诉他。o4n高三网

2. used to show when something is likely or expected将,会,该o4n高三网

I wonder what's happened to Annie. She should be (= it was expected that she would be) here by now. 不知道安妮出什么事了。她现在本该到这儿了。o4n高三网

3. formal used when referring to a possible event in the future万一…的话,如果…的话o4n高三网

If anyone should ask for me, I'll be in the manager's office. 万一有人找我,我就在经理办公室。o4n高三网

4. mainly uk used after "that" and adjectives or nouns that show an opinion or feeling(用于 that 和表示观点或感情的形容词或名词之后)竟然o4n高三网

It's odd that she should think I would want to see her again. 真是怪事,她竟然会认为我还想再见到她。o4n高三网

5. mainly uk used after "that" to suggest that a situation possibly exists or might come into existence(用于 that 之后,表示某种情形可能存在或可能出现)可能会o4n高三网

We agreed that we should meet the following week.我们同意明天付钱。o4n高三网

6. mainly uk formal used after "so that" and "in order that" to show purpose(用于 so that 和 in order that 之后,表示目的)会,就o4n高三网

He took his umbrella so that he shouldn't get wet.他带了雨伞,这样就不会淋湿了。o4n高三网

7. mainly uk formal used after "for fear that", "in case", and "lest"用于 for fear that,in case 和 lest 之后)o4n高三网

He took his umbrella in case it should rain.他带了雨伞,以防下雨。o4n高三网

8. mainly uk also would used after "why" when giving or asking the reason for something(给出或询问原因时用于why之后)竟会o4n高三网

Why should anyone want to eat something so horrible?怎么会有人想吃这么可怕的东西?o4n高三网

9. uk formal used instead of "would" when the subject is "I" or "we"(当主语为 I 或 we 时代替 would)o4n高三网

I should like a cup of tea before I go to bed. 我睡觉之前想来杯威士忌。o4n高三网

10. uk also would used after "I" when giving advice(用于 I 之后,表示给出建议)o4n高三网

I shouldn't (= I advise you not to) let it worry you.我认为你不必担心。o4n高三网


1. used to show that it is necessary or very important that something happens in the present or future必须o4n高三网

I must get some sleep. 我必须睡会儿觉了。o4n高三网

2. If you tell someone else that they must do something pleasant, you are emphasizing that you think it is a good idea to do that.o4n高三网

You must come and stay with us one weekend. 你一定要来和我们一起度周末。o4n高三网

3. used to show that something is very likely, probable, or certain to be true想必;一定o4n高三网

Harry's been driving all day - he must be tired.哈里开了一天车,他一定累了。o4n高三网

七、ought too4n高三网

1. used to show when it is necessary or would be a good thing to perform the activity referred to by the following verb(表示做某事有必要、值得或有利)应该,应当o4n高三网

You ought to be kinder to him你应该对他好一点。o4n高三网

2. used to express something that you expect will happen(表示期望某事发生)该,应该o4n高三网

He ought to be home by seven o'clock.7点前他应该到家了。o4n高三网

They ought to have arrived at lunchtime but the flight was delayed.他们本该在午饭时到达,可是航班延误了。o4n高三网

八、have too4n高三网

1. to need to or be forced必须,不得不o4n高三网

We'll have to start keeping detailed records.我们不得不开始作详尽的记录。o4n高三网


1. [ + to infinitive or + infinitive without to ]to have (to)必须,不得不o4n高三网

He needs to lose some weight.他必须稍微减轻些体重。o4n高三网

Nothing need be done about this till next week. 下周之前在这方面不必做什么。o4n高三网

2. sb/sth needn't do sth uk: there is no reason for someone or something to do a particular thing…不必做…o4n高三网

You needn't worry - I'm not going to mention it to anyone.你不用担心——我不会向任何人提起这件事的。o4n高三网

3. sb needn't do sth uk: used, often when you are angry with someone, to say that they should not do a particular thing or that they have no right to do it(常用于表示气愤) (某人)不该(或无权)做o4n高三网

You needn't laugh! It'll be your turn next!你别笑!下一个就轮到你!o4n高三网

4. sb didn't need to: used to say either that someone did a particular thing although they did not have to, or that someone did not do it because they did not have to某人没有必要…o4n高三网

I gave her some extra money - I know I didn't need to but I thought it would be kind. 我多给了她一些钱——我知道没有必要,但我想表示善意。o4n高三网

5. sb needn't have done sth uk: it was not necessary for someone to have done a particular thing, although they did do it某人本不必做…o4n高三网

You needn't have worried about the dinner - it was delicious!你原本不必为这顿饭担心的——味道棒极了!o4n高三网


1. also 'll used to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that you are certain about or things that are planned将,将要o4n高三网

Clare will be five years old next month. 下个月克莱尔就5岁了。o4n高三网

The train leaves at 8:58, so we'll be in Scotland by lunchtime.火车8:58发车,所以我们中午前就能到苏格兰了。o4n高三网

2. also 'll used to talk about what someone or something is able or willing to do能;愿意o4n高三网

I'll give you a lift. 我用车顺便送你一下。o4n高三网

The car won't start.汽车发动不了。o4n高三网

3. used to ask someone to do something(用于要求别人做某事)o4n高三网

Will you give me her address?你能不能给我她的地址?o4n高三网

4. also 'll used as a polite way of inviting someone to do something, or of offering someone something(用于礼貌地提出邀请或提供某物)o4n高三网

Will you come in for a while?进来呆一会儿好吗?o4n高三网

5. also 'll used in conditional sentences with 'if'(用于以 if 开头的条件句中)o4n高三网

If he's late again, I'll be very angry.要是他再迟到的话,我会很生气。o4n高三网

6. also 'll used to refer to what is likely可能,大概o4n高三网

That'll be his mother with him.可能是他妈妈和他在一起。o4n高三网

7. also 'll used when angry to tell someone to do something(表示生气地命令某人)o4n高三网

Will you stop being such a pain!你能不能别那么讨厌!o4n高三网

8. also 'll used when referring to something that always or usually happens总是;一直o4n高三网

The product with the better-known brand name will always sell better.名牌商品的销量总会好一些。o4n高三网

十一、 wouldo4n高三网

1. also 'd used to refer to future time from the point of view of the past(从过去的角度指将来发生的事)将,将要o4n高三网

He said he would see his brother tomorrow. 他说明天要去见他的兄弟。o4n高三网

2. would have: used to refer back to a time in the past from a point of view in the future(从将来的角度指过去应该发生的事)就会,应该o4n高三网

We thought they would have got home by five o'clock, but there was no reply when we phoned. 我们以为他们会在5点前到家,可是打电话时却没有人接。o4n高三网

3. also 'd used to refer to an intention from the point of view of the past(从过去的角度指某一意图)将,会,要o4n高三网

There was nobody left who would (= was willing to) do it.剩下的人里没人愿意做这件事。o4n高三网

4. also 'd used to refer to a situation that you can imagine happening(指想象会发生的情形)会,将o4n高三网

I would hate to miss the show.错过这次演出我会很遗憾的。o4n高三网

5. also 'd used with if in conditional sentences (= sentences that refer to what happens if something else happens) (与 if 引导的条件句连用)o4n高三网

What would you do if you lost your job?要是失去了工作你会怎么办?o4n高三网

6. also 'd used in polite requests and offers(用于提要求时代替 will,语气更加客气)o4n高三网

Would you mind sharing a room? 你介不介意和别人共享一个房间?o4n高三网

7. past simple of will modal verb : used to talk about what someone was willing to do or what something was able to do(用于谈论某人愿意做某事或某事的可行性)o4n高三网

The car wouldn't start this morning.今天早晨车发动不起来。o4n高三网

8. would rather/sooner also 'd : used to show that you prefer to have or do one thing more than another更愿意;情愿o4n高三网

I'd rather have a beer. 我更乐意喝杯啤酒。o4n高三网

9. also 'd used to talk about things in the past that happened often or always(用于谈论过去经常或总是发生的事)常常,总是o4n高三网

He would always turn and wave at the end of the street.他总会在街的尽头转过身来挥挥手。o4n高三网

10. also 'd disapproving used to suggest that what happens is expected because it is typical, especially of a person's behaviour(用于指某人的典型行为)老是,总是o4n高三网

"Madeleine called to say she's too busy to come." "She would - she always has an excuse."“玛戈打电话来说她太忙了,来不了。”“她总是这样──永远有借口。”o4n高三网

11. also 'd used to express an opinion in a polite way without being forceful(用于礼貌地表明观点)o4n高三网

I would think we need to speak to the headteacher about this first.我猜想这件事我们需要先去问问校长的意见。o4n高三网

12. also 'd used after "I" when giving advice(表示劝告)o4n高三网

I wouldn't (= I advise you not to) worry about it, if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会为它担心。o4n高三网

13. also 'd used after "why" when giving or asking the reason for something(给出或询问原因时用于why之后)竟会o4n高三网

Why would anyone want to eat something so horrible?为什么会有人想吃这么可怕的东西?o4n高三网

14. also 'd used to refer to what is very likely可能;大概o4n高三网

"The guy on the phone had a Southern accent." "That would be Tom."o4n高三网


十二、 shallo4n高三网

1. old-fashioned used instead of "will" when the subject is "I" or "we"(用于在主语为 I 或 we 时替代 will)o4n高三网

I shall never forget you.我永远不会忘记你。o4n高三网

2. formal in us used, with "I" or "we", to make a suggestion(与 I 或 we 连用,表示建议)o4n高三网

Shall we go out for dinner tonight?我们今晚出去吃饭好吗?o4n高三网

3. formal or old-fashioned used to say that something certainly will or must happen, or that you are determined that something will happen(表示某事肯定或必须发生,或表示决心)o4n高三网

Don't worry, I shall be there to meet the train.别担心,我会去火车站接你。o4n高三网



情态动词can、may、must表示语气和情态,人称与数无变化,动词原形跟着它。 情态动词两要点:动词原形跟后面,说话语气较委婉。cab表“能力”,may表“许可”,must表“责任”或“义务”,否定回答needn't换,"需要”need,dare“敢”。should“应该”,would更多...o4n高三网

标签: 情态动词有哪些 高中英语语法


